Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Block Two of Celtic Solstice

So, when I started this quilt I thought to myself, "there are 5 steps and a reveal (step 6) and they are released weekly so this is like a 6 week commitment. right???"  Boy was I misguided!  Don't get me wrong, I am loving making it and still anticipating how it will look when it is all put together, but I am close to 8 weeks now and I am just starting to put together the second set of blocks.  I finished the first 61 on Sunday and pressed the last 10 or so last night.

The only issue I had with these blocks is that the seams from the Chevrons and the Pinwheels were going the same direction on the majority of my blocks.  As they weren't on all the blocks and I know my pinwheels were all pressed the same direction, I guess I pressed the wrong way on most (but not all) the chevrons.  This lead to some bulky seams in the middle of these blocks.  I would guess that they would have been a bit less bulky if I had opted to turn the chevron to make stars instead but I really liked this composition for the block.  No worries though, the individual blocks still lay flat which is what is important to me.  

Now I have a whole new set of piles to sew together for the next block....

While this does not look as intimidating as the last set, there is only one less block to be made from these.  That means that due to less seams in these parts they lay flatter and look like less but really they are not.  I put a couple together last night to see how they would look. 

They are ending up the correct size and all.  I can already tell that my issue with this block is going to be keeping the colors on the 4-patches all going the correct direction.  I tend to get distracted, though it appears if the block is turned then they go the opposite... so maybe I only have to make sure they are all going the same direction in each block!  That would certainly be easier!

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